PM Suraksha Bima Yojana Status Check:- The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is a flagship accident insurance scheme launched by the Government of India on May 8, 2015, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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Designed with the aim of providing affordable and accessible insurance to the economically weaker sections of society, this scheme offers life insurance coverage in the event of an accident, death, or disability. It is a simple, low-cost initiative that is particularly beneficial to people who may not otherwise have access to such financial protection. The scheme has garnered significant attention due to its affordability and the wide coverage it offers, with premiums starting as low as Rs. 12 annually.
What is Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana?
The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is an accident insurance policy that provides a safety net for individuals in case of unfortunate accidents leading to death, disability, or permanent injury. The primary aim of this initiative is to offer financial protection to families that might be economically devastated in the event of an accident. The scheme covers deaths or disabilities arising from accidents, ensuring that the affected family members are provided with financial support to cope with the loss.
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For individuals who suffer from accidents leading to partial disabilities (like the loss of a limb or eyesight), the scheme offers a coverage amount of Rs. 1 lakh. In the unfortunate event of death or complete disability, the insured person or their nominee receives Rs. 2 lakh. The plan is renewable annually, and the premium is automatically deducted from the insured person’s bank account.
Objectives of Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
The primary objective of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is to provide affordable accident insurance to the underprivileged and economically backward sections of society.
Many families in India, particularly those in rural areas or from the economically weaker sections, do not have adequate financial resources to deal with sudden health emergencies or accidental deaths. This scheme aims to address this gap by offering insurance at a nominal premium of just Rs. 12 per year, ensuring that every family has access to basic financial protection.
The scheme also seeks to alleviate the financial burden on families in the unfortunate event of an accident, preventing them from sinking deeper into poverty due to medical expenses or loss of livelihood.
Key Features of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
Here are some of the most important features of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana:-
- Affordable Premium: The scheme provides a life insurance cover at a highly affordable rate of Rs. 12 per year, making it accessible to the economically disadvantaged sections of society.
- Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme offers coverage of Rs. 2 lakh in case of accidental death or complete disability, and Rs. 1 lakh in case of partial disability due to an accident.
- Age Eligibility: The scheme is available to individuals aged between 18 and 70 years.
- Simple and Easy Process: The application process for the scheme is straightforward. Beneficiaries can apply through their banks, and once enrolled, the annual premium is automatically deducted via the auto-debit facility.
- Automatic Renewal: The scheme is valid for one year, but it can be renewed every year. The auto-debit facility ensures that the renewal process is automatic and hassle-free.
- Nominee Facility: In case of the insured person’s death, the nominee receives the benefits. The nomination ensures that the insurance payout goes directly to the family in the event of the insured’s death.
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- Bank Account Requirement: The scheme is linked to the beneficiary’s bank account. To avail of the benefits, an individual must have an active bank account with the auto-debit facility activated.
Benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
The benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana are numerous, making it one of the most popular and impactful government initiatives. Here are the key benefits of the scheme:-
- Financial Protection for Families: In case of accidental death or injury, the insured person’s family receives financial compensation of up to Rs. 2 lakh, which can significantly ease the financial burden during a difficult time.
- Affordable Premium: For just Rs. 12 annually, a person can avail themselves of coverage worth Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh. This low premium makes it a highly affordable insurance option for individuals from economically weaker backgrounds.
- Easy Access and Registration: The scheme is accessible to anyone who has a bank account. It can be easily registered for through the bank, and the premiums are automatically deducted from the account every year.
- Comprehensive Coverage for Disabilities: The scheme provides coverage for both partial and complete disabilities resulting from accidents. The coverage amount for partial disability is Rs. 1 lakh, while the amount for complete disability or death is Rs. 2 lakh.
- Encouragement of Financial Inclusion: The scheme encourages financial inclusion by linking insurance coverage to bank accounts. This ensures that even people in rural or remote areas, who may not be part of the formal insurance system, can access financial protection.
- Support for Vulnerable Sections of Society: The scheme particularly benefits individuals from vulnerable sections, including backward and poor families, offering them an essential safety net in case of accidents.
- No Medical Examination Required: There is no requirement for a medical examination to join the scheme, making it easier for individuals of all health conditions to avail themselves of the benefits.
Eligibility Criteria for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
To avail of the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:-
- Indian Citizenship: The applicant must be a citizen of India.
- Age Requirement: The individual must be between the ages of 18 and 70 years.
- Active Bank Account: The applicant must have an active savings bank account. Additionally, the auto-debit facility must be activated in the bank account for the premium to be deducted automatically.
- Only One Account: The individual can register for the scheme through only one bank account, even if they have multiple accounts.
Documents Required for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
The following documents are required to apply for the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana:-
- Aadhar Card or other valid ID proof (such as voter ID, ration card, driving license, etc.)
- Bank Account Details (account number, branch, and IFSC code)
- Income Certificate (for economically disadvantaged applicants)
- Age Proof (any government-issued certificate or document verifying the applicant’s age)
- Passport Size Photograph
- Mobile Number (for communication and verification)
How to Apply for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana?
There are two ways to apply for the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana: offline and online.
PM Suraksha Bima Yojana Offline Application Form
Visit any bank branch where you hold an account.
Request the bank to provide the application form for PMSBY.
Fill out the required details and submit the form along with the necessary documents.
The bank will help activate the auto-debit facility, and the premium amount will be deducted from your account.
PM Suraksha Bima Yojana Online Apply
- Visit the official website of the scheme:
- On the homepage, click on “Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana.”
- Download the application form, fill in your details, and attach the necessary documents.
- Submit the completed form to your bank branch to complete the registration.
Premium Payment and Appropriation
The premium for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is Rs. 12 per year. The premium amount is automatically deducted from the insured person’s bank account using the auto-debit facility. This ensures that the scheme remains active without the need for manual renewals.
The premium is allocated as follows:-
- Rs. 10 goes to the insurance company.
- Rs. 1 is paid to agents or intermediaries.
- Rs. 1 is retained by the bank for operational expenses.
Closing of the Account
The insurance cover under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana will be closed if:-
- The insured person reaches the age of 70.
- The insured person’s bank account is closed or lacks sufficient funds to cover the premium.
- The insured person registers multiple bank accounts under the scheme, which results in forfeiture of the benefits.
PM Suraksha Bima Yojana Status Check Online
To check the status of your application for the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana:-
- Visit the official website of the scheme.
- Click on “Check Application Status” and enter your application number.
- After clicking “Search,” your application status will be displayed.
प्रधानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना क्लेम कैसे करे ?
प्रधानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना (PMSBY) के तहत यदि आप दुर्घटना में घायल होते हैं या आपकी मृत्यु हो जाती है, तो आपको इस योजना के तहत एक निश्चित बीमा राशि प्राप्त होती है। यदि आपको पीएम सुरक्षा बीमा योजना के तहत क्लेम करना है, तो निम्नलिखित प्रक्रिया का पालन करें:-
- क्लेम की स्थिति का निर्धारण करें
- सबसे पहले, यह सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके क्लेम के लिए योजना की शर्तें पूरी होती हैं या नहीं। इस योजना के तहत क्लेम केवल दुर्घटना से संबंधित मामलों में ही किया जा सकता है, जैसे कि:
- दुर्घटना के कारण मृत्यु
- एक या दोनों हाथों, दोनों पैरों का उपयोग खो देना
- एक आंख की पूरी दृष्टि का नुकसान
- क्लेम राशि:
- मृत्यु या पूर्ण अपंगता: ₹2 लाख
- आंशिक अपंगता: ₹1 लाख
- संबंधित बैंक से संपर्क करें
- पीएम सुरक्षा बीमा योजना में पंजीकरण बैंक खाता आधारित होता है। यदि आपको किसी दुर्घटना के कारण क्लेम करना है, तो सबसे पहले उस बैंक से संपर्क करें जिसमें आपने योजना के लिए पंजीकरण किया था। बीमा राशि प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको निम्नलिखित दस्तावेज़ बैंक को प्रस्तुत करने होंगे:
- दुर्घटना से संबंधित पुलिस रिपोर्ट (जैसे एफआईआर)
- चिकित्सकीय प्रमाण पत्र (जो दुर्घटना या चोट के कारण का विवरण देता हो)
- मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र (यदि मृत्यु हुई हो)
- बैंक खाता विवरण (जो यह दर्शाता है कि आप योजना के लाभार्थी हैं)
- आधार कार्ड और अन्य पहचान दस्तावेज़
- बीमा क्लेम के लिए आवेदन फॉर्म भरें\
- पीएम सुरक्षा बीमा योजना का क्लेम करने के लिए आपको बैंक में एक आवेदन फॉर्म भरना होगा।
- आवेदन फॉर्म में आपके व्यक्तिगत विवरण, दुर्घटना का विवरण, और आपके द्वारा भरे गए सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ों को संलग्न करना होगा।
- आवेदन के बाद बैंक द्वारा दस्तावेजों की जांच की जाएगी और यदि सब कुछ सही पाया जाता है, तो बीमा राशि का भुगतान शुरू किया जाएगा।
- दावा करने का समय
- पीएम सुरक्षा बीमा योजना के तहत क्लेम करते समय, सुनिश्चित करें कि आप दुर्घटना के बाद तुरंत बैंक से संपर्क करें। इस योजना के तहत, दुर्घटना के बाद आवेदन 30 दिनों के भीतर किया जाना चाहिए।
- क्लेम प्रक्रिया में मदद के लिए हेल्पलाइन
- यदि आपको क्लेम प्रक्रिया में कोई समस्या आती है, तो आप प्रधानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना के लिए हेल्पलाइन नंबरों पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं:
- 1800-180-1111
- 1800-110-001
- इसके अलावा, आप अपनी स्थिति के अनुसार संबंधित राज्य या जिले के लिए toll-free नंबर भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
- क्लेम के भुगतान का समय
- बैंक द्वारा दस्तावेज़ों की सत्यापन प्रक्रिया के बाद, बीमा राशि का भुगतान किया जाएगा। यह भुगतान सामान्यतः आपके बैंक खाते में किया जाता है। क्लेम स्वीकृत होने के बाद यह राशि 7-10 कार्यदिवसों में आपके खाते में ट्रांसफर की जा सकती है।
- पीएम सुरक्षा बीमा योजना की अवधि और नवीनीकरण
- यह योजना हर साल के लिए होती है और इसके नवीनीकरण के लिए बैंक में स्वचालित डेबिट सुविधा का उपयोग करना होता है। यदि आप इस योजना को नवीनीकरण नहीं कराते हैं तो आपका बीमा कवर समाप्त हो जाएगा।
प्रधानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना (PMSBY) के तहत क्लेम करने की प्रक्रिया निम्नलिखित है:-
- क्लेम की स्थिति का निर्धारण: यह योजना केवल दुर्घटनाओं में मृत्यु या अपंगता के मामलों में लागू होती है। पूर्ण अपंगता पर ₹2 लाख और आंशिक अपंगता पर ₹1 लाख का मुआवजा मिलता है।
- बैंक से संपर्क: यदि आप क्लेम करना चाहते हैं, तो अपने पंजीकृत बैंक से संपर्क करें और दुर्घटना से संबंधित दस्तावेज़ जैसे पुलिस रिपोर्ट, चिकित्सकीय प्रमाण पत्र और मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र (यदि लागू हो) प्रस्तुत करें।
- आवेदन फॉर्म भरें: बैंक में आपको एक क्लेम आवेदन फॉर्म भरना होगा और सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ संलग्न करने होंगे।
- दावा करने का समय: आवेदन दुर्घटना के 30 दिनों के भीतर करना चाहिए।
- हेल्पलाइन: यदि आपको कोई समस्या आती है, तो 1800-180-1111 या 1800-110-001 पर संपर्क करें।
- भुगतान का समय: क्लेम स्वीकृत होने के बाद, बीमा राशि 7-10 कार्यदिवसों में आपके बैंक खाते में ट्रांसफर हो जाती है।
- नवीनीकरण: यह योजना हर साल के लिए होती है, और इसके नवीनीकरण के लिए स्वचालित डेबिट सुविधा की आवश्यकता होती है।
- इस प्रकार, यदि आप समय पर आवेदन करते हैं और सभी शर्तें पूरी करते हैं, तो आपको बीमा राशि आसानी से प्राप्त हो सकती है।
The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is an accident insurance scheme launched by the Government of India on May 8, 2015, aimed at providing affordable insurance coverage for accidental death, disability, and injury. Available for just Rs. 12 annually, the scheme offers financial protection to individuals from economically weaker sections, with benefits of up to Rs. 2 lakh for complete disability or death and Rs. 1 lakh for partial disability.
Key features of PMSBY include automatic renewal through the auto-debit facility, no medical examination requirement, and coverage for individuals between the ages of 18 and 70. The scheme is accessible to those with active bank accounts, where premiums are deducted annually.
Eligibility includes Indian citizenship, an active bank account, and meeting age criteria (18-70 years). The scheme encourages financial inclusion by linking insurance to bank accounts, especially benefiting rural and vulnerable populations. Registration can be done through banks either offline or online.
The premium is deducted automatically each year, ensuring continuity of coverage, and the scheme offers a straightforward claim process. It is a vital safety net, particularly for families who may otherwise struggle with financial burdens due to accidents.